Broughton Manor Preparatory School
Newport Road
Milton Keynes MK10 9AA

Music is a thriving area that ties in with our arts curriculum and highlights our children at their very best. Specialist timetabled lessons twice a week, right from the age of 3 years, take pupils around the world as they explore songs in new languages and instruments from various cultures, alongside traditional classical music, and famous composers to emulate in their own compositions.Â
We focus on singing together, playing instruments, listening and appraising and of course, creating and composing! Every child has the opportunity to learn music theory, and to take individual instrumental lessons from our visiting music professionals. Most excitingly for our children, we have a thriving choir, orchestra, various instrumental groups and many opportunities to perform in public at school, and out in the community.Â
All classes from 4 years old sing at the end of term assemblies and Harvest and Springtime celebrations as well as the traditional Christmas time productions. Prep children are involved in a Christmas show presented to parents. The choir performs in local care homes, Birmingham arena and other public events. Their enthusiasm is infectious!
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