Broughton Manor Preparatory School
Newport Road
Milton Keynes MK10 9AA

Throughout their time in the Junior Prep Department staff work hard to ensure pupils feel happy, secure, valued and confident. Our staff encourage pupils to think for themselves and to develop self-control, independence and a sense of achievement throughout their learning.
Pupils are taught to act in an increasingly thoughtful, respectful and empathic way. Subject specialist teaching increases in this department, as does the opportunity to shine in sport, art, music and a variety of other subjects. Pupils are offered opportunities to take part in extracurricular activities in support of their own personal development. Sports, art, science and many other clubs take place after school and the music department hosts the choir and orchestra. Trips and visits, relevant to particular subject areas, take place regularly, as do annual residential trips abroad.
In Senior Prep our main aim is to develop the potential of each pupil, in preparation for the challenges of senior school. We promote a broad, balanced range of learning experiences in an atmosphere of mutual respect. We stress values of good behaviour and high achievement and promote a partnership between pupils, their parents and the school.
Self-respect and self-confidence are attributes we value. Pupils are encouraged to engage with all the adults at school. They are given positions of responsibility and are encouraged to become ambassadors for the school as well as role models for our younger children.
The curriculum is central to the life and work of our school. It encompasses formal learning, intellectual skills, as well as the ‘hidden’ curriculum.
Intellectual skills include listening, observing, reflecting, making deductions, formulating and solving problems and testing hypotheses. All important is the presentation of the content being matched to the individual needs of the pupils. This statement is uppermost in the teacher’s mind when planning and assessing children’s learning.
We believe that pupils learn best when they are happy, interested and motivated, when they achieve success and gain self-confidence. Tasks are given to match their ability, which they clearly understand and feel challenged and stimulated by.
Quality teaching occurs when carefully structured activities are matched sensitively to pupils’ needs. Pupils are given responsibility for their work and independence. A positive atmosphere is created in the classroom through excellent relationships. High levels of praise and encouragement are the norm. Children earn House Points for their individual totals and those of their houses. These are awarded by staff to show their appreciation for children’s effort and attitude in all areas.
Quality teaching uses a variety of approaches and strategies, and techniques are well selected to match the pupils’ needs and abilities. Homework is considered a valuable element of the process and is used to good effect particularly to reinforce and extend what is learned in school, and to teach children about independent study and organisation.
Children begin every day in their class bases, where they have access to personal storage spaces and a consistent, friendly form tutor who will nurture them during their year in school. They then follow a structured and highly varied timetable throughout the day and learn to be responsible for their belongings and to keep well organised. Each day is completed with further form time together, and a chance to organise themselves before home time.
All children have a homework diary in which they have a copy of their daily and homework timetables, to help them with organisation and communication.
Afternoon sports and games lessons are on the timetable, as well as an afternoon where children play in matches against other schools. After school and at lunchtimes, our visiting Music teachers come to give individual tuition in a variety of instruments.
After school clubs take place each day after 4pm, some open to all age groups and some being age specific. Pupils are allocated a school House and take part in termly House competitions.
“The teachers at Broughton Manor Prep go above and beyond for the wealth fare and education for the children at the school.
I have experienced first hand how they support individual children’s needs to ensure they have the best experience at school. The after school activities are varied and inclusive for all children abilities and interest.
As a parent you feel a an active part of the school and can quickly build good rapport with all teachers, parents and other children at the school. We all love it. “
Broughton Manor Prep School
Parent – Summer ’23
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