Pre Prep Department

Welcome to the Pre-Prep Department at Broughton Manor Preparatory School.

Our Pre-Prep Department (Key Stage 1) – Years 1 and 2 

We have an ongoing commitment to a broad and creative curriculum, encouraging active learning both within our bright and stimulating classrooms and outdoors in the lovely school grounds. All classrooms in the department have direct access to outdoor play areas. These, together with our environmental studies garden, the spinney, allow opportunities to take learning outdoors as much as possible.

In addition to traditional class-based teaching, our children enjoy specialist input for music, PE and games, computing, drama and art. Swimming lessons are introduced in Year 2 in the summer term, where all pupils go to a local pool and learn swimming and water safety skills.

Within the department there is a strong sense of community, and we work hard to foster a warm, family atmosphere, where everyone feels valued. The small class sizes allow teachers to build long lasting, nurturing relationships with children and their families. Our friendly and flexible approach encourages children and parents to feel comfortable and able to talk to staff about anything, at any time.

Our aim is for all children to discover their talents, build self-confidence and achieve their potential. Participation in assemblies, plays, Sports Day, musical and creative events allow our pupils the opportunity to grow and shine.

The celebration of children’s achievements is a key part of our approach throughout the Pre-Prep Department. Regular assemblies celebrate individual and group achievements in addition to looking at moral and religious aspects of life. Weekly Personal, Social and Health lessons (PSHE) and circle time activities help children to build confidence with social skills and encourage them to acknowledge each other’s success.

Year 2 marks the child’s final year in Pre-Prep and the focus is on the development of organisational skills, responsibility, independence and long-lasting friendships. In the Summer Term of Year 2, children make regular visits to Year 3 and the Prep classrooms, which helps them prepare for a seamless transition to the next phase of their Broughton Manor journey.

Jude Ing – Head of Pre-Prep

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