Broughton Manor Preparatory School
Newport Road
Milton Keynes MK10 9AA

In Pre-School and Reception (children aged 3½ to 5), children learn through meaningful experiences, practical activities, play and exploration. Our ongoing priority with our very young children is that they feel happy, safe, valued and secure. When this is embedded, their accomplishments and achievements are endless.
Our aim is to develop our children in all 7 areas of the Curriculum:
Our staff carefully plan and implement the curriculum to ensure it is motivating, engaging, varied and challenging.
In our school building you will find our pre-school corridor for our 3- and 4-year-olds, where pupils are provided with all areas of learning through stimulating, varied activities and play. The children explore carefully planned activities, tailored to their level and ability, where staff ensure that they motivate and excite the children to learn and develop. Our children feel like they are playing and having fun all day, but they are learning important skills, mastering challenges and achieving many milestones.
We have half termly learning themes which enable them to learn and wonder through first-hand experiences, discussions, books, visits and practical engagement. Our staff create wonderful role play areas inspired by the themes, with fun messy play tuff trays to excite and motivate the children.
The children in Badgers work on developing their social communication and interaction. We work with them to play together, take turns and develop their speaking, listening and communication skills.
They learn through songs, music and movement. They work on their counting skills, shape recognition and early number recognition. Children develop their fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination, preparing them for early writing. We encourage our children to be as creative as possible and staff oversee a wide range of arts and crafts.
We have a half-termly learning theme which develops our children’s knowledge and understanding of the world. From police cars, fire engines, farm animals and camper vans, our children learn as much as possible from first-hand exciting experiences.
Children can explore our computing suite using Bee-Bots, iPads and more. The initial focus is on finding their way around the keyboard and developing mouse control. There are weekly PE lessons with our experienced PE teachers and a weekly music lesson with our Head of Music. Children compete in their first Sports Day, perform their first Nativity play, and demonstrate their musical skills in their first Easter Bonnet Parade and Music Workshop. We invite parents to come along to the first of many performances they will take part in.
In Rockets, Shooting Stars and Rainbows, our children begin early phonics skills and are prepared to become strong confident learners and readers. Many of our children can read before they begin Reception!
Children begin recording their learning formally in books, as well as verbally and practically. We focus on developing language skills, speech and communication and each week our children share their news with their teachers and friends and begin recording this in their news book.
During this year, there is a focus on name recognition, name writing, number recognition, number writing, pencil control, fine motor activities, counting and exploring mathematical language and concepts.
What makes our preschool unique and special is the specialist teaching in drama, music, computing and PE lessons. Parents are amazed by our young children’s musical and singing talents, and how confident they are when performing. As parents, you will have the opportunity to watch your child in their Nativity play, Easter Bonnet Parade and Sports Days.
The transition from Pre-School to Reception is very smooth as our children are always happy, confident, engaged and ready to learn.
Our small class sizes ensure we know and understand your child, their learning styles and their interests, helping us to plan and ensure your child is appropriately challenged.
In Reception, children focus on phonics, reading, writing, handwriting, counting, working with numbers and working towards and beyond the Early Learning Goals. All children read every day, work with a teacher in a small group, and learn all about the world they live in, through our exciting and engaging half-termly learning themes.
Our wonderful children are always busy learning. As well as input from their class teacher, they are lucky to have specialist teaching in PE, music, drama and computing.
In Reception, pupils regularly plant and garden crops and have access to our beautiful, varied outdoor areas. Pupils also spend calming time in our sensory room, enjoy story time in our library, cook in our Pre-Prep kitchen and learn core skills in our computer suite.
We are excited to meet you and your child, to learn about them and discuss how we can be part of their learning journey.
Throughout your child’s early years from baby up until the end of Reception, we will send you weekly photos, videos and updates on your child’s learning, development and progress. You can also share your child’s home life and experiences with us by uploading photos via this app.
In addition, we operate an open-door policy; our parents are always welcome to communicate with us via email and in person. We have three formal parent consultations, and through written reports during the course of the school year.
“An outstanding nursery with caring Aunties that our daughter adores.”
Broughton Manor Prep School
Parent – Summer ’23
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